Voting Wasn’t Enough: Every American Must Act Immediately to Stop U.S.-Backed Jihadists Killing Christians in Syria

In Syria, jihadist forces with ties to both Al Qaeda and ISIS have taken Aleppo, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and the home of an enduring Christian community planted by Christ’s handpicked apostles in the first century.

We’ve already heard reports of the insurgents going door-to-door, killing and abusing inhabitants of the ancient city — and if the extremist forces act according to past patterns, it’s no exaggeration to say that Christians and other religious minorities are now facing a real threat of extermination.

Many Western media outlets – as lockstep and beholden to their sinister governments as any Syrian or Russian state media apparatus – have already restarted the same old spin machine.

They call the murderous invaders “Syrian freedom fighters,” just as they did during the first decade of the U.S.-, UN-, and Israel-backed proxy regime-change wars in Iraq, Libya, and Syria – all of which contributed to the rise of ISIS.

And so the Western narrative-builders and their bosses in Washington are recommencing the same long effort – now attracting even more radical Islamists from across the globe, and aiming their bloodthirst at the innocent people of Syria.

Second Verse, Worse Than the First

For a vast diaspora of Middle Easterners, including many Syrian expats now living in places like Pennsylvania, the news is heartbreakingly familiar. In our own way, I and my team at the Vulnerable People Project can feel the heartbreak too – the sinking feeling of one of the worst chapters in history coming around again.

But the timing makes it clear there’s something much more sinister afoot than a simple conflict between regional factions. And recent history makes that even clearer.

The shadowy cartel of establishment foreign policy puppeteers behind the Biden administration are now just weeks away from having to hand the White House over to an anti-war second Trump administration with a popular-vote mandate for peace.

That’s because the patterns of proxy wars throughout the Middle East and more recently in Ukraine – all drawing Western and Eastern nuclear powers closer and closer to a global showdown – had become obvious by 2016. So obvious that these wars amounted to a global scandal, which the people of Western nations began rejecting more emphatically with each election.

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The presidential election of 2024, together with those other populist political stirrings throughout the Western world, means the clock is ticking for the foreign policy establishment. So they have every reason to lash out now with all they’ve got, trying to do in the short term the damage they had always planned over the long term – and make it permanent.

Bad Actors Still in Power

For those who haven’t closely followed the tragedies that have plagued the Middle East in recent decades, it can be hard to believe just how cynical and careless of human life the leaders of superpower nations like the U.S. and its allies can be.

But in unguarded moments, they admit it themselves.

As Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told Hillary Clinton (then the head of the U.S. State Department) in a 2012 email, “AQ [Al Qaeda] is on our side in Syria.”

And what about our unwavering ally in the region?

As I reported in 2016, then-Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told an audience that he would “choose ISIS” to rule over Syria if Israel and the U.S. could succeed in their regime-change war and topple the Iran- and Russia-backed regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

And this isn’t all in the past. I mentioned that Sullivan remains embedded in the Washington, DC, orbit. So do many others who helped oversee the Syria proxy war under Barack Obama, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, climate envoy John Kerry, USAID Administrator Samantha Power, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, NSC Middle East Coordinator Brett McGurk, and State Department Counselor Derek Chollet.

Sound the Alarm NOW

The power of bad actors like these might be nearing its end. Let’s hope and pray to God it is. But that doesn’t make them weak or incapable, and it certainly doesn’t make them likely to humbly bow out just when they see their last chance to force their will on the world.

And here’s their greatest potential advantage right now: the complacency of the American public.

The giant watchdog that is the American people is in danger of being lulled to sleep just when we should be sounding the alarm. Even the most peace-loving Americans – including those who voted for an end to what Donald Trump calls “forever wars” – will now be tempted to look the other way.

“We’ve done our part by voting overwhelmingly against the Deep State and delivering a loud-and-clear mandate for peace,” we might tell ourselves. “What’s happening in Syria is unfathomably complicated and I probably can’t do anything about it anyway, so I’ll just hope for the best and white-knuckle it to Inauguration Day.”

But as free Christian citizens of a Western superpower nation, I believe it is now the duty of every one of us to act now.

Call your elected representatives in both chambers of Congress.

Share this story and others like it.

Go and spread the word on social media – especially X, where censorship is at an all-time low and it’s possible for all to see that the jihadi murderers attacking our coreligionists in Syria are proxy forces for the U.N., Israel, and U.S.

Use the same power and influence you used in the historic 2024 election — for the same reasons and with twice the fervor.

At the Vulnerable People Project, our mission is to stand with and advocate for people when they are the most under threat. We speak for and run influence campaigns on behalf of people at just the moments when all the power in the world prepares to rein fire down on them.

We don’t do that out of some kind of need to think of ourselves as heroes. We do it because in moments when people find themselves at their most vulnerable, to fail them by doing nothing would amount to a kind of villainy and betrayal.

After all, the jihadists now raping and killing their way across Aleppo in the worst insurgence since the rise of ISIS are backed by your nation’s officials. You voted to stop them less than a month ago. But doing nothing now would be a contemptible act.

Jason Jones is a senior contributor to The Stream. He is a film producer, activist, and human rights worker. He is also the author of three books, the latest of which is The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset.


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