President Trump, Please Stop the Slaughter of Alawites and Christians in Syria Caused by Your Globalist Enemies
Right this minute, unarmed Alawites and helpless Christians are being slaughtered in the streets of cities across Syria. An October 7-level terrorist atrocity, enabled by Syria’s new government, is happening in real time — which most media won’t cover. The hapless Europeans are blowing smoke, even blaming the victims for what’s happening to them. That’s why I’m writing you, Mr. President — because I know that you hate violence and war, and I believe you can stop the killing without deploying a single American soldier.
I’ll never forget one moment in your first campaign. It was during the fifth candidates’ debate for the GOP nomination, on December 15, 2015. You stepped up in front of the Emperor and all the little courtiers fawning over his new clothes, and said simply, “He’s naked!”
To be more specific, you punctured the huge Hindenburg pumped up with lies that the Republican Party used to call its “foreign policy.” For 13 years, since the run-up to the Iraq War, Americans had been gaslit with faked intelligence and wild conspiracy theories to urge us into regime-change wars and “color” revolutions to overturn foreign governments. (Remember how Saddam Hussein allegedly helped plan the 9/11 attack? How his mythical WMDs might cause a “mushroom cloud in Manhattan”?)
Both George W. Bush and Barack Obama alike saw the U.S. as something like the old Soviet Comintern: a global force for revolution that would transform humanity into its own image. Only by reshaping every country on earth could we ever be safe here at home. That argument, straight from the fevered brain of the Bolshevik Leon Trotsky, somehow colonized both American parties. The voices of prudent patriotism were silenced on the Right. The Left purged its peaceniks and abandoned its suspicion of Deep State surveillance and harassment. There’d be no more room in the Democratic Party for patriots and peacemakers like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., or Tulsi Gabbard.
One Party with Two Faces
America really faced the choice of two slightly different factions of a single party, the War Party — and you were running against them both. It gave some of us the same feeling we once had when Lech Walesa challenged the Communists in Poland: a desperate hope, crackling with fear. Like him, you would face legal persecution and threats to your life. Like him, against all odds you would prevail.
What you said during that debate shocked all the pundits and sent the GOP establishment into a desperate frenzy to save itself:
We have spent $4 trillion trying to topple various people that frankly, if they were there and if we could have spent that $4 trillion in the United States to fix our roads, our bridges and all of the other problems, our airports and all the other problems we have, we would have been a lot better off — I can tell you that right now. We have done a tremendous disservice not only to the Middle East but to humanity, the people that have been killed, the people that have been wiped away — and for what? It’s not like we had victory. It’s a mess. The Middle East is totally destabilized, a total and complete mess.
It’s now 2025, and everything you said is tragically truer than ever.
Blood and Fire
While you were in office, despite massive internal subversion and faked impeachment attempts, you really did restore a measure of stability in the world. You stopped using the CIA and USAID to replace the secular dictator Bashir Assad with John McCain’s “moderate rebels,” who really were al Qaeda. Instead, you supported the courageous, tolerant Kurds and Christians of the Syrian Democratic Forces, who with careful U.S. assistance conquered ISIS. The Russia Collusion hoax prevented you from resetting our relations with Moscow, but at least you deterred any invasion of Ukraine. You kept Afghanistan quiet, with almost no American casualties.
But then the election was stolen. The Biden administration cravenly surrendered in Afghanistan, leaving behind military equipment worth some $90 billion— more than any country in world spends each year except the U.S. and China. That act of weakness encouraged Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. And the feckless Deep State actors who’d been aiding al Qaeda in Syria got busy again, preparing their local clients for the successful takeover shortly after Trump’s inauguration.
Now the multicultural, multi-religious nation of Syria is ruled by radical Sunni Islamists who are proudly affiliated with al Qaeda. That new regime is backed by Turkey, which has expansionist designs. Syrian Christians are fleeing to Russian military bases for protection. Everything you and your allies warned might happen if the globalists’ plans succeeded is unfolding in blood and fire.
Ali Haj Suleiman/Getty Images News
DAMASCUS, SYRIA – DECEMBER 8: People wave guns in the air, as they gather to celebrate the fall of the Syrian regime in Umayyad Square on December 8, 2024 in Damascus, Syria. Rebel forces in Syria claimed that they had retaken the capital from longtime ruler Bashar al-Assad, who was reported to have fled the country. The new president is a former member of the Syrian Branch of ISIS; former U.S. President Joe Biden removed the bounty from his head, which allowed him to run for office. (Photo by Ali Haj Suleiman/Getty Images)
Stop the Genocide
I campaigned for you, President Trump, in key swing states, focusing on communities with roots in the Middle East. I visited Syriac churches and mosques, and heard from those voters something the Mainstream Media would neither credit nor report on: They saw you as the best hope for stability, peace, and religious freedom in that region. They had hope that you, out of all U.S. politicians, would keep their families safe in the Old Country. They remembered that you opposed the “stupid” profiteering wars that devastated once-stable nations. They knew you to be a man of peace.
So I call on you, Mr. President, to step up and impose the same common sense and sanity which you’re reimposing here at home. You can pressure the new regime in Syria. It faces the very real threat of the country being split up, as our SDF allies and the Druze look to Israeli offers to partition Syria and give them safe homelands. If the U.S. threatened to back such a plan, that would get the attention of the new regime in an instant.
What Syria really needs is to be radically decentralized, on the model of the SDF-controlled enclave in Syria’s northeast — where religious freedom and fair elections prevail. Certainly, we can’t just sit by and watch as the “freedom fighters” our Deep State spooks supported for 15 years conduct a real-time genocide. As I wrote in the wake of Syria’s conquest:
We might feel a temptation to wash our hands, throw in the towel, and leave the Middle East alone. It’s not a realistic option. It is, in fact, absurd on its face. We in the Trump camp may not have personally caused the tumult that now endangers Christians in Syria, but the officials of our nation did. It is not our right as Americans or as Christians to cut and run
I call on my fellow Christians to adopt what I advocated back in 2015, after watching you trounce your rivals in that debate: A “Persecuted Christians First” agenda as a central plank in what conservative Christians advocate:
We must love our enemies, but not at the cost of letting them murder our friends. Within the legitimate bounds of American patriotism, we should act as a potent special interest group. We should adopt the slogan “Persecuted Christians First.” We must serve as the defense attorneys of the most abandoned, neglected people on earth (apart from the unborn): our brothers in Christ, the persecuted Christians around the world … It’s the Christian thing to do.